29 April 2014

So for a school project we had to make a music video, it could be anything. I chose Miley Cyrus "Wrecking Ball". I liked the concept and it wasn't too hard to make, that was what I guessed before I made the video. Me and a classmate Sanneke vd Heide created everything for the video. We had to create the decoration, and we had to use the similiar clothes and shoes for it. We decided to use a barbie doll for the music video.

It was a lot of hard work, and it was also a lot of fun to shot. A lot of our classmates were curious what was happening. So I edited and this came out. Sanneke is also editing the video, so fingers crossed haha.

Enjoy watching the video, there will maybe a behind a scenes video online. We still don't know yet though.

Danai Vorgia said...

Hahaha this is so funny!

Madi Brown said...

Madi Brown was just RIVETED by your Barbie Wrecking Ball video. Can't wait to see the next one.

For Reals, and Love you the most,
Madi Brown

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