24 June 2012

Hi my loves,

I know that it's been a while that i've blogged... Jup almost one month. Sorry :(!! But I got some good news, I GRADUATED FROM HIGH SCHOOL! That's great right? And i've already recieved a letter from my new school On 3 july i've got a introducing day on my new school, i'll recieve my planning and i'll see my new class! I'm really super excited! I can't wait to go to my new school, because this is what I really want right? I'll chase after my dreams! Okay, enough about this. I'm so busy next month, i'm so sorry but i'll try to post more things on this blog! Really. I got a graduation day or something. I'll recieve my certificate and we'll say goodbye to our teachers and classmates. The dresscode on that evening is: gala. So I have to wear a dress or something! But I don't have a gala dress or something like that, okay I have a few but I never wear them.. So i'll pimp one or i'll design one! Go for creative right?! Oh and... yes i've shopped this month.. twice! Stay tuned for some new outfits and stuff!

Lots of love,
Rui Jun

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