I totally love this bucket hat, but it is a little bit too big for me. Too bad I have either a tiny head, or the hat is just too big. The hat is one size. And no, one size doesn't fits all unfortunately. In this outfit i'm also wearing these really cute hamburger knee socks I got from Ebay. I didn't had a chance to show them to you earlier. I got these last year in the summer, when I was first introduced to Ebay I think. It was around that time. It's the first time i'm wearing these cute socks. I also have another outfit post with another pair of knee socks, but those were with bananas. I also have another one with fries. I'm going to wear that in another post.
The shorts i'm wearing, is perfect for the summer! They have other colors too, but I picked the white one because I don't have a lot of white pieces in my garderobe. I think it looks really cute with the other items in this outfit. It's like the top of the outfit is like, really cool looking and the bottom part is cute looking. Both parts look awesome together!

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