2015 ended, and it's the second day of January 2016 already! I haven't posted in 1 or 2 weeks? Jep. Time is flying, just like the birds in the picture above. I got this picture from Pexels, I also made a post about awesome stockphoto websites. Check here.
I always feel bad, if I didn't post anything. Something is just missing, I've been doing this for 3, and almost 4 years. I'm still just writing, and making videos for myself. It's the first time that I missed the "Look a likes from Ebay" post, in these 1 or 2 years that i'm doing it? It doesn't feel right. I like the fact that people are commenting on the things I created. It makes me feel good, and it motivates me. Which is a good thing, right? Being a blogger is just weird haha. Some people is forcing themselfs, to create content. It's just not okay that people have a goal on making money, with blogging to be honest. It sounds like heaven, getting free stuff to review. It's a hard job, well to me it's still a hobby. I would love to do this everyday for work. But I still don't know what I will be doing over 5 years. I just like too much things, I need to focus and need balance in my life. Life's been busy and crazy at the same time. Which is fun too! I just don't know what I will be doing, or what I want to do in the "future". Life is just hectic.
Last year sounds so far away already. It's been just 2 days. I don't feel different, only 1 number changed. I don't think I will be really different from 2015. Everyone is still learning, and growing. I think 2015, was an awesome year for me.
1. I got a new camera!
2. And.. I also got a tripod, which is a good investment.
3. Ofcourse, I took awesome pictures with my new camera and tripod!
4. I opened my shop: Shop Chokers, where I sell handmade chokers and accessories.
5. I went to 2 conventions with Shop Chokers.
6. Got awesome gifts from my lovely penpal Yona!! SHE GOT A BLOG AS WELL. (I love her outfits, her style is on point!!)
7. I went to coool events!!
8. Started with making new videos for the channel.
9. Met a lot of awesome people! Thank you all. :)
For this year, I got a lot of things in my agenda. I'm planning to go to 4 or more conventions/events with Shop Chokers. I want to take a lot of new pictures for this blog, and also for Shop Chokers. I'm planning to create a newsletter, every month for every subscriber. I want to go to a lot of events, and create awesome content for my YouTube channel. I'm still just blogging for myself. I post, when I can and I don't want to force myself to write things. When I don't have inspiration, i'm also not planning to create new content. I can write a lot on one day, but I just don't have a lot of inspiration everyday. I don't have new year resolutions either, and i'm also not planning to create some. I always try to do my best, and work hard for everything that I do.
I hope everyone had a great ending of 2015, and a great start of 2016. I wish you all the best!

I hope 2016 will be just as great, if not better, for you <3
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