I totally love the top I got from Yona. I've mentioned her earlier in another blogpost, she is my penpal and she lives in New York! Which is so cool, after a few weeks (omg almost a month). I finally sended her a package back, which some Dutch snacks! Shipping is damn expensive, it was 18 euros to send it to her! Which is so crazy!! I also made a sorta unboxing video thingy, when I got her package. You can check it on my channel. I can't wait when she gets my package, and I hope she likes the sweets and gifts I sended. Having penpals is so cool.
To be honest, I haven't vlogged in a while, and this week was such so busy!! I went to Amsterdam, to this event called: Big Android Barbeque. It was the first one in Europe/Amsterdam! Which was sooo awesome, I went with school because we had this project going on. I will tell you more about this in my Event Report blogpost! The vlog is also rendering when i'm writing this. But you can already watch the event report video here. I really hope you like it!
Ofcourse, I made the choker myself haha. You can buy the same one in the shop Shop Chokers. The skirt i'm wearing is just super cute! One of my favs at this moment, but I can't wear it everyday since winter is coming! I also need to buy a new coat for myself, because it's getting colder and colder.. ahh I don't really like the winter because of the cold and the rain everyday.. or almost everyday.

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