Today I saw some Korean tourists in the train when I was on my way to Michael. One of the girls had this really cute mouth mask on, it looked so cute on her. I know it has a purpose, and I also don't know why she wears it because the ''air'' (idk how to say that) is pretty clean here. So I thought that I should put some awesome mouth mask here on this post. :) I hope you like it!
When I searched for the items for my Look a likes from Ebay posts I found a lot of Aliexpress links. And a lot of times I saw that Aliexpress was way cheaper than Ebay. So I was thinking of making this post, I was still struggling with myself if I should do it or not. But here it is, the first post! I hope you like this concept thing as much as the Look a likes from Ebay post that I post every monday. In these posts I will also compare 10 items.
In this post ''Ebay or aliexpress, what's cheaper'', you also have to click on the links to check the item on the website. It's either: ''Ebay - $1.00'' or ''Aliexpress - $1.20''. If you click on the link, you will be redirected to the website. I'm not sponsored by Ebay or Aliexpress.

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