27 November 2014

Get the look of Kendall Jenner! I've posted this outfit before on I think last week's Tuesday inspiration. I really love the classy look on her, it's feminine and timeless.

She got a cropped turtle neck creme colored knitted sweater, styled with a black quilted leather skirt. It's a really cool combination. Knitted and quilted leather are two different kind of fabrics, but they blend well together. She also wears a long black trench coat and black lace up wedges.

- Dara Park
- Cara Delevigne
- Selena Gomez


26 November 2014

This is the first time I ordered at Dresslink. Before I ordered at this webshop, I watched and read some reviews about this webshop. As you girls/guys know, I order A LOT from Ebay. So I really wanted to try this webshop out. I'm NOT SPONSORED BY DRESSLINK. I know a lot of bloggers are, and they always get good service and everything. I'm always really honest about my reviews, because I just want to tell everyone the truth about it. I don't want to give any false information.


First I want to tell you guys about the shipping and the service. It was pretty smart of me to take some printscreens. You never know if you needed it or not,  it's always better to have proof than no proof.

You could find a lot of items on Dresslink also on Ebay. When you compare Dresslink to Ebay, Dresslink is cheaper. But you have to pay shipping for the items. The heavier the package get, the more you pay for the shipping. On Ebay they already putted the shipping on the item and mark it as "free shipping"

This is what the shopping cart looks like before ordering.

All the items.
SKIRT $3.37
TOP $3.32

You can pick the delivery time, I picked faster shipping with a tracking number. It was just 2 dollars more than normal shipping, so I was like: why the hell not. I would get it faster than normal shipping. I paid $48,97 in total.

After I paid, this screen showed up.


It gave me information about the status and my order. It said that it was processing and all. I relogged on my account to see if I could also check it on my account.

When I did it and clicked on "my orders" nothing showed up. It was like I didn't paid for the clothes and that I didn't even ordered. I was so confused, so I mailed them.

After one day I got a response from them with:

"Hi dear friend, thanks for your contacting. Do not worry, we have got your order .... We are arranging your order and will ship it soon.You can see the tracking number later, thanks.

Any other questions, please message me freely, I will support you any time. Thanks& have a nice day^^.

Yours Sincerely,
Customer Service Department"

It still wasn't clear where I could check my tracking number because it said that I didn't ordered anything. They couldn't really figure it out, and they even asked for my password from the registered Dresslink account. I gave it to them and they still haven't fixed the problem until now. It's been a month right now, and I know that I could have uploaded this review earlier haha.

After a few days I received a message from FedEx that I could claim the package on thursday. And then after a few seconds I received another message that the package got some delay and I could pick a date for the next week. Well nice fast shipping. Thanks a lot! I don't know if it's Dresslink's fault because of the order that didn't showed on my account or it's FedEx's fault. After I got the message on my phone I picked the date and time. I got it on the right day and time so FedEx did his job. I wouldn't recommend the fast shipping. I heard stories from other people that they didn't paid for the faster shipping and that they got it within 2/3 weeks.

The package!

Yay, and I got all the items.

Daylight with all the items I ordered.

First i'm going to review these two items. :)

Me, wearing it. Don't look at the quality haha.



The first item i'm gonna rate is this really fluffy sweater. I got the same one on Ebay for $10. It was just $5.63 on Dresslink. There was only one color left, that was this really cute pastel purple sweater.

MATERIAL: Cotton blend, Cashmere

They are exactly the same sweater! I first got the white one, and I was almost wearing that one everyday haha. It's just so soft and warm.

Great! It can't be better than this. I just paid $4 for this one, I think it can't be better than this. You can wear it at home, on school, at work and whatever you can think of. It's perfect for this weather! I love fluffy sweaters. If you want to get one, get this one!

I'm so happy I bought this one! I recommend everyone to buy this haha. But! The sweater is ONE SIZE. So you have to measure yourself if you fit in this sweater. The sweater isn't that bright like the one in the picture. It's pastel and not bright that screams in your face, so i'm happy with that!





LENGTH: 40 cm
WAIST: 60 - 70 cm

The material is thick and warm. It's the same material that a lot of coats have. Too bad there are a lot of little

Too bad that the skirt is just 40 cm. I don't really like the waistband, it's not really disturbing but it reminds me of childerens clothing. They always has those huge stretchy waist bands. I don't really like that. If the waistband was a little bit thinner and the skirt itself was wat longer, I would like this skirt so much. I've ordered another pleated skirt and i'm loving it! I will review that one soon.

The skirt is just too short, I don't like that. This skirt is also ONE SIZE. I won't recommend this skirt, maybe if you want to wear this skirt with a short underneath.Or you could give this as a gift. It doesn't look that pretty on the picture from the website. It's pretty dissapointing if you compare it with eachother.

SKIRT $3.37




I haven't washed this one yet, so I can't tell what it's like. It's just chiffon, chiffon as every chiffon haha. It's really thin and I think you have to wear something under this top. Maybe a crop top or bandeau.

It's hard to tie up the ribbon by yourself. You should really ask for some help if you want a nice one on the back.

It looks just like the picture, too bad winter is coming. I won't wear it untill summer is starting again. I don't even know why I bought this one at this time haha. I think it's a nice basic item to have. With this price you can buy all the colors haha. You can also find this one on Ebay!

TOP $3.32

I also bought this "Hollow out dress" there are "holes" on the sleeves of the dress.

Close-up of the fabric. The pictures a bit yellow because of the lighting.




The dress is made from Chiffon, it's really thin. The fabric of the body is a little bit thicker than the sleeves. The zipper is hard to move. It's just from a really bad quality, it kind of "sticks" there for a while.

The dress is tight if you wear it. You can't really move in the dress with your arms.

The dress looks really cute, but the zipper is really disturbing me. The quality of it is just so bad. I think they need to fix that your you could put another zipper on it. I also don't like the size, it's hard to put the dress on because of the stupid zipper. It's also really too tight for me.





I haven't washed this one yet, so I can't tell what it's like. It's just chiffon, chiffon as every chiffon haha. It's really thin and I think you have to wear something under this top. Maybe a crop top or bandeau.

It's hard to tie up the ribbon by yourself. You should really ask for some help if you want a nice one on the back. It's pretty tight when you wear it. I have XS or EU SIZE 34.

It looks just like the picture, too bad winter is coming. I won't wear it untill summer is starting again. I don't even know why I bought this one at this time haha. I th ink it's a nice basic item to have. With this price you can buy all the colors haha. You can also find this one on Ebay! The dress isn't that flattering. It looks really weird when you wear it.



MATERIAL: Synthetic Leather
Net Weight: 587g 
Length: 35cm (13.65") 
Thickness : 13cm (5") 
Strap Drop: 80cm (31.2")

The quality is pretty bad. The gold thing on the bag always falls off. It doesn't really "stick" on the bag itself. I think you can fix it with hot glue. But this is really annoying when you want to close the bag or open the bag. And today when I had this bag with me the little strap that holds the straps for your arms is "broken". I use this bag as a everyday bag to carry my food, wallet and stuff like that with me. The synthetic leather itself is pretty good but it's the little things that's bad. And these matters!

I've always loved backpacks. It's easy to carry around and easy to just put stuff in and it doesn't make your shoulders heavy.

Love the design and the leather itself is great. I think they have to fix these little things so the bag will be perfect haha. But hey, this is what you pay for. And you can easily fix these problems.



So is it worth buying from Dresslink? From my experience, hell no. What service? What fast shipping? Please, don't ever try buying from this website. I'm happy for the people who had great experience buying from this webshop. But I rather buy from Ebay than from this webshop. Really. They have exact the same products. You can always get your money back or message the seller about it.

I don't recommend this webshop for anyone. But if you want to try it, go ahead. I'm not trying to stop you or anything. Some people had great experiences, but I didn't. I won't ever, ever buy from this webshop again. They may have great cheap budget stuff, but no. Nope. Never again.

If you didn't skipped the first part of the review, you probably know why.

It's just Ebay quality, everything that Dresslink has is also on Ebay. I've found everything on Ebay but with a little higher price.

What service? I thought so.

Conclusion: Stay with Ebay my loves. 
Thank you for reading! Let me know in the comments what kind of experience you had buying from Dresslink. Or what you thought after reading this post.

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