I got this amazing skeleton sweater from the webshop ohmygosh. I totally love the print that's on the back and front, it's a picture printed sweater and it looks so real. It's pretty over sized but I think that's comfortable, and great for this season. Winter is sweater weather.
New bloglayout
11 November 2013 • personal
Oh my god, it's finally online! I created my own layout. I worked really hard on it, especially creating all those links on the navigation menu. This is my 3rd layout that I made. Guess the html/css lessons on school are worth it. But I also asked for some help from a really cool blogskin-maker she's awesome! Here's the link to her blog. This also explains why I randomly posted some posts "faq", "contact" and stuff like that if you've seen them.
You sure remember this one, my old layout.
Yays new layout!
What do you think?
7 October 2013 • diy, fashion
Hi my loves!
It's been a really long, long time since I've been crafty and all. But last week I had some time and I made a skater skirt. I toke some pictures and it turned out to a new DIY for you guys. So here it is, this toke me a few hours.. because of the fabric. If you're using fake leather (PU leather) it will stick a bit on the machine. Mine is not the best, so there are some little issues on my skirt excuse me for that. Please don't mind my grammar and crappy English in this tutorial. Ah, well.. let's get started!
Take your fabric and fold this one in 2.
Take your skater skirt and put it on the fabric. You have to put your skirt on the part where the fabric was fold. Pin the white part of the skirt. Remember that you don't pin your skirt with it, only the fabric. You have to be careful, don't pin yourself!

Take your measure tape and add 1.5 or 2 centimeters next your skirt and pin this. Do this from the bottom to the top. I recommend 1.5 centimeters. You have to add this extra fabric into this because you will lose some fabric when you're sewing the skirt together.
Take your measure tape and add 2 centimeters on the waistband , don't forget to pin!
This is not a step! If you take your skirt away, you have this pattern. You don't have to take the skirt away. Only if you want to make sure if you're doing it right!
With a line. So you can see the pattern better.
The part with stripes are the parts where you added extra fabric. The part without stripes is gonna be your skirt.
Yes, you really need a flexible measure tape. You need to measure this exactly or it won't fit your skirt. If you have to measure it from the beginning to the end.
If you have size 34 (EU size) you can just pick this from me! The length of the waistband is 32 centimeters. You always have to add 2 centimeters. 32+2 = 34 cm. The length of the waistband is 3 centimeters, you have to add 3 so it would be a double side. And you have to add 2 centimeters with it so you can sew it all together. That's 3+3+2= 8 centimeters. The width is for all sizes.
The end result for size 34(EU): Length= 34 centimeters
Width= 8 centimeters
Put the waistband next to your skirt just like the picture. And add the length and width on the fabric. Put pins on the fabric.
Cut the skirt and waistband from the fabric and take the pins out of the fabric. Now you have two parts of the skirt. The skirt and the waistband.
Fold the waistband in two. If you chose an hard fabric just like me, i'm using fake leather (PU leather). You have to sew the ends together, use pins to hold them together.

Now it's time to pin the waistband and skirt together. First you have to fold the top of the skirt down for 2 centimeters. After that you have to put the waistband on the part where you fold it. Use pins to hold them together.
Sew the ends of the skirts (left and right) together. You first have to sew from the "back" from the fabric. The part where you don't see your pattern or the "right" part of your fabric. You have to start sewing from the bottom to the top. But remember: if you don't have a stretchy fabric just like me, you need to use a zipper. So you don't have to sew it all together. You need to have to sew to the half of the skirt. It depends on what length your zipper is to be honest.
Now you need to sew the zipper on the back. You just have to fold the the right and left side of the skirt to the inside. And you need to pin the zipper and the fabric so it would stay together. Sew this.
Now you're done with your self made skarter skirt/circle skirt.
Tell me what you think!
Collaboration with OHMYGOSH.BE
10 September 2013 • fashion
Hi my loves!
I'm gonna collaborate with the newest upcoming individual fashion, lifestyle, beauty platform. They're still working on it, but the waiting is worth it. I'll introduce you to this upcoming site before launching
it, isn't that great?
OHMYGOSH has one main website called: ohmygosh.be which collaborates with bloggers, I'll be blogging once in a month on their site. (or more if I have the time for it) They will have post about personal styles, featured bloggers (just like me!), models, DIY's, food articles and much more.
They also have the site ohmygosh.nl, also called their webshop. They're also selling things on their envy store: http://ohmygosh.storenvy.com/. I secretly want it all.
Here's some more information about their webshop, I got this from their site.
We are an online lifestyle shop with a focus on personality. We are a big fan of personal style and we love the individuals. This is what our collection is based on. We have different styles for everyone in our collection. Our goal is to keep everything in low stock to keep everybody’s style exclusive. Exclusivity on a budget.
OHMYGOSH is starting small but in the future we want to expand and produce our own signature clothing line. Our mission is to grow big but the art is to stay the same. We aim to introduce ourselves into the lives of those who need us!
OHMYGOSH is actually a collective name for all the labels we have. It’s not just clothes & accessories. We also focus on the girls that like to craft and love to add a personal touch in their closet.
Dividing OMG
FashionVoid is our focus on style. Inspired by the Tokyo street girl. She has her own sense of style and feels secure about what she wears and how she wears it. FV will have all kinds of styles. Rock star babies & 90’s babies.
Rouzin Vintage is our focus on Vintage . Our girl is an inspirational blogger that likes to find items that are rare. Not just clothes and accessories but also artsy stuff to personalize her home or room with.
Monkey Monkay will focus on kids!
Crafty girls will focus on craft supplies & stationary. DIY!
The OMG Factor
Our girl is a chameleon at heart, she changes her spots as many times as she can and makes friends wherever she goes. She is fun, confident and sweet but a true rebel when she feels like it. Getting lost in grandmama’s boudoir to find dusty vintage to bring back to justice. Everybody loves her and she’s really just one of a kind.
"OHMYGOSH!!" They also have a SUPER FALL MYSTERY GIVEAWAY going on! You can still join this awesome giveaway. You just need to follow the instruction in the following picture:
instagram: fashionvoid
Are you excited as I am? I can't wait to blog for OHMYGOSH, it's gonna be really awesome for sure. :)
Cara Delevinges x Will heard
20 August 2013 • lifestyle
Supermodel Cara Delevinge and Will Heard performed an acoustic version of 'Sonnentanz (Sun Don't Shine)'
"I've known Cara since we were both 14/15, through mutual friends," Heard said.
"Her vocal is really understated and what she does with it is unique, not what you would typically expect. Also, her guitar skills are ridiculously good and she's great fun to jam with."
1 July 2013 • fashion
Let's start this blogpost with: PINEAPPLES EVERYWHERE... I mean, it's the hottest and newest trend at summer '13. I've spotted them on YouTube video's, blogs and webshops like: Asos and Urban Outfitters. You can find pineapple prints on tops, swimwear, dresses and also phonecases! You can be crazy for an all-over print or casual with one pineapple on a top.
I didn't post a Sunday Outfit Inspiration yesterday, because I thought it would be awesome if I put a trend and outfit inspiration in one. I styled a few outfits with pineapples with different styles.
You probably think why should this crazy blogger use such a weird title for this outfit. It's pretty simple, if you think that trends are so not you. You can give it a chance. This oversized white tee with a pineapple on it is easy to wear and style, you can use the colors like the pineapple in your other clothes and/or accessories.
this pineapple tee is sold out.
When I saw this adorable bikini, I was dying for it. I mean, look at it! It's so cute that you want it right? I paired this bikini with big orange statement sunnies, if you don't like orange you can also choose a yellow or black one. And if you're planning to go to the beach you need a beachbag! This bag from LALÙ has enough space for your beach goodies!
Oh... wait, there's more pineapple beach wear going on! If you don't like to show your belly on the beach, you can also choose for a swim suit. The design is pretty vintage, I think about the 80's. Those cut-outs swim wear are also really trendy this year.
This pineapple tee from Wildfox is ready to use. You can style it with a lot of lovely things, this tee has a old looking thing on it. It's maybe the color of the shirt. I styled it only with black items, so the shirt will pop out because it has soft colours in it.
If you like to match your outfit with your phonecases, you can just go for it! These days you can find phonecases in a lot of different types and colors. I think it's also an fashion accessory nowadays. Victoria Secret PINK has this adorable phonecase in their line. It's from a soft and stretchy rubber material.
Neon is cool to wear, it's also one of the biggest trends this summer 13' so if you use more trends in one outfit, you go for it fashionista!
This seemingly traditional piece by Sophie Hulme takes an unexpected turn for SS13. The sheer back panel adds a luxe finish to a structured, somewhat androgynous design while an embroidered pineapple keeps it playfully chic.
The pineapple besides the blouse is the pineapple on the top.
If H&M is not following a trend, it's not a trend. The high street fashion label is a big impact for a lot of fashion lovers, the price is nice and the items are lovely. H&M also has a pineapple in their new collection, so this trend is really serious. This top is oversized and has deep armholes. It's nice if you wear it over your beachwear, I matched it with a soft orange colour.
Are you an urban fashion lover just like me? Then this outfit is totally for you! The urban menswear brand 10Deep has lovely tropical prints in their summer '13 collection. Palmtrees, florals, plants and a lot of pineapples! There are a lot of items with pineapple prints on it.
When I styled this set, I saw those cute pineapple tights.. I really need them! They're too cute. This outfit is an unisex outfit, if you're a boy you can dig the tights or if you're a girl and you think that the tights are too much you can also forget them.
As you can see the pineapple print is loved by a lot of brands and people! From luxury brands to high street fashion labels. What do you think about this pineapple trend, do you love it or hate it? Let me know.
Don't forget to check Cityblis.com
Don't forget to check Cityblis.com
This post is not sponsored.
Hi my loves,
Ohhh I haven't talked in a while about my super-duper-interesting-life (not). So here is a quick update for you lovely readers which are interested in my life. Well, the first thing that I want to say is i'm sick i'm having a disease called ''pfeiffer'' or ''the kissing disease''. I'm most of the time/day/week very tired and I can sleep for like the whole day, I also had a fever and laryngitis. And with all of this I also catched a cold. Guess my life is pretty bad at this moment haha, being tired for like forever and having so much trouble in my body. I guess it hates me haha. I even got lazier than I was, but I can still blog for you guys so don't worry I will still post things. But with this condition I guess I won't be able to upload that much outfitposts as usual. But when i'm sick and I have lots of time, I always watch video's on YouTube or so to entertain myself. So I finally have the time to watch series and follow my favourite YouTubers! I really have to watch sooo much video's, I don't have to but I want it. Am I the only one who does that? I don't know.
To be honest, I was always addicted to the series Sex and The City, i'm at season 2 on episode 20 or something I don't know what episode really. But when I heard that they were releasing Carrie in the younger years (Carrie Diaries) I wanted to watch everything from Sex and The City first and then watch The Carrie Diaries, but there are too many seasons so I'll paused it and I started to watch this brand new series. I watched season 1 within 4 days or something... oh it's so addictive for real! I hope you'll like it too. I'm waiting and hoping for a season 2. Some people say it's not that popular so they won't film another season, that's pretty stupid in my opinion actually.
Watch the trailer here:
If you want to watch The Carrie Diaries you can just google for it: ''The Carrie Diaries season 1 episode ..''
As some of you may know, I always ruin cellphones. I can't handle them I guess I always break them I don't know how but it's just me and my sillyness or something haha-. The smartphones these days are pretty awesome to be honest, but I use my Samsung Star QWERTY now because I broke my Blackberry. Bleh. So I can't use those social media and all that other stuff like apps, notes, camera, internet. I'm such a bad blogger, I don't even have a smartphone! Well, maybe I don't even need it. But i'm always jealous because of those awesome apps that I can't use... like the famous photo app: ''Instagram''. I always liked to take pictures of everything and now there's a way to share it with everyone with one touch on your smartphone. But I don't have one.. so I never had a chance to use it. I made an account but I wasn't active or something, my Instagram was really dead because I don't have a smartphone. I always had to use some iPad, phone or iPod of someone else to upload pictures. But... now I figured something out! I think it's really genius, I can now use those android/smartphone apps on my laptop. I downloaded Bluestacks. So now can I use all those lovely apps on my laptop. I'm finally active on Instagram now... so now you can stalk my life on pictures beside my blog ha-.
IG: ruijunluong
Here are some random pictures of last week when some friends of me came over. Oh, we're such weird people. I always have a lot of fun with them they're great haha.
I also have my Vogue shirt yay. I really wanted this shirt and I didn't want the magazine, but I bought it because of the shirt.. Hmh, well. I love this shirt, so I didn't had a choice. It's just a simple white basic shirt with VOGUE on it. It's a one size tee, so it's a little big and oversize for me. But I still like it. I don't care!
Well, guys let's celebrate the weekend now! By the way: the OASAP giveaway ended. I didn't made the 50 participants I guess, but you guys will hear from me.
Oh god, i'm really addicted to this Bruno Mars song. It's catchy and addictive, it's pretty old but I don't care i'm getting happy vibes when I hear this song haha.
not sponsored.
♚ style inspiration no 2. ♚ leather backpacks
17 May 2013 • fashion
Why backpacks? I think that they're more handy than purses, they may be super pretty but you have to carry them always around. It makes your outfit look feminine, and very lovely when you don't have a lot to take with you. I also love purses, but when I have a lot to carry with me they make my arms really tired and red because it's a heavy weight for my arm. I think it's more usefull when you have a backpack. Some people say that backpacks are so ugly and that they don't want to wear it. I don't think that they're ugly at all, you just have to chose the right one so you can have more fun of it. I think that when you're a student that you really need a backpack not only for your arms, but also because you need to carry heavy books and stuff like that. I don't say that it's the best way but I think it's better... and also not in the other way. They don't always like a heavy backpack. Well, here are some really fabulous backpacks that I personally adore.
embelliished leather and brass backpack
I totally am in love with this piece. It's black, and gold, two favourite colours in one. I love how the bag is styled with gold parts on the back. Those little things really make this backpack. Like how those buckets are not even. I think it's a really nice design.
I saw that this bag was €615 on net-a-porter but it's not available anymore.
I saw that this bag was €615 on net-a-porter but it's not available anymore.
embelliished leather and brass backpack
I saw this gorgeous white leather backpack on Pinterest, I don't know where it was from or anything because it didn't said anything in the description. But when I clicked and clicked and did a little research of it, I came out at TOP SHOP, they don't sell it anymore and I also don't know where you can buy it at this moment. Maybe on ebay or other secondhand (online) stores. Well, back to the bag! I think that those silver zippers make this lovely white leather backpack. It's very nice detailed with a nice snake/crocodille white-ish fabric. I think it's adorable and you can style it with anything.
backpack bag with zips and punchout detail
This über cute little backpack is handy when you just need your wallet, phone, a can of coke or something like that. It's like a clutch but way cuter. The design is really detailed and easy to use. They come in black and white. I like the white better because it looks more minimalistic and I think it's also better with the design.
buy black.
buy white.
backpack spring/summer
This black leather backpack is not just a black leather backpack. It's one with two sides where you can put your stuff in. The back, middle and front. I like how the leather is cutted out with a kind of snowflake pattern in it. I think it's done with a lazer (that machine from the Textile fabric in Tilburg when I went to Antwerp) The black and white stripes in the inside is not the best as the lining of this bag.
Buy it here.
sytnthetic leather backpack
If you don't need to have lots of detail in your bag, and if you just like basic things, this back pack is so for you. It's simple and nice, because of the leather. I think it really makes this backpack. The leather is the ultimate key to this lovely backpack. It also has a little pocket in the front which the zipper is ''invisible''. This backpack has not details in the front like a lot of backpacks have. It has lovely buckets, it looks like belts. It really suits this bag it's casual with a little twist on it.
Buy it here.
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